Thursday, July 15, 2010

Super Easy Shirt Refashion

I tried my first shirt re fahion yesterday. It's cute. I like it.
Here is my starting shirt. It is a yellow shirt form Old Navy. There wasn't any thing wrong with it except it is so plain, it always gets over looked. I prefer big, warm sweaters in winter time. I was about to drop it off at D.I. (a local thrift/donation store) when I decided to give a refashion a try. I've been seeing shirt refashions all over the blogisphere and I am always impressed. I want to try my own version!

I started by cutting off the sleeves. I left about 5 inches to make it short sleeved.

Next I cut down the seam on the cut off sleeves. I took a cup and lightly traced as many circles as I could using a cup as a guide.

I cut just inside of the circles since I didn't want any of the pen to show.

Then I used some diluted bleach water to spritz the circles. This step was unnecessary but I wanted to add a little something extra to this plain shirt. The bleach was diluted 10 parts water to one part bleach. I used this since just because this is the mixture I use to clean my counters and I had it upstairs all ready. Who's lazy? Not me ;)
I gave it about a minute or two and rinsed it out. The longer you leave it on the lighter the color will become (until it is white). Capishe?
Then I took all of my circles did this ^ to them starting at the top of the shirt. I drew a line down the center of the shirt and made sure my circles were centered on the line. I pinned them down. Then I pinned and ironed my sleeves. Ironing helps make a good crease in the fabric, which is so much easier to sew.
When you sew it make sure you start at the bottom so the needle can just fall onto the next circle and you aren't sewing against the circles. Then just sew long line from top to bottom (remembering to back stitch) . Then I did a quick line around my sleeves. Viola! It's done!

Princess was fussing and insisted on being in my professional fancy smanchy photo shoot. Don't judge the streaks on my mirror, m'kay?

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